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Toyota Prius Sales Reach 200,000 in Europe

By Pure Green Cars on 07/17/2010 – 2:50 am PDTLeave a Comment

Toyota celebrates ten years of the Prius hybrid in European market with 200,000 sales.

The Toyota Prius was launched in 2000 to the European market, three years after its launch in Japan.

It might have taken the Toyota Prius 8 years to reach 100,000 European sales, but it’s only taken a further 2 years to double that number to 200,000 units, confirming the significance of Prius as a mainstream model.

Global sales of Prius are expected to exceed two million by the autumn of 2010.

The last decade has seen significant improvements to its Hybrid Synergy Drive powertrain compared to the first Prius ten years ago. The new Priusr has reduced fuel consumption by more than 23 percent, CO2 emissions are down by almost 26 per ent, (from 120 g/km to just 89 g/km). This has been achieved despite power increasing by 30 percent.

The UK has remained one of the leading European markets for Prius, accounting for more than one in five Prius sold in Europe. This year’s sales to date are 6,579 units, almost equaling the 2009 figure in just six months.

The recent launch of the Auris Hybrid marks the start of a dramatic expansion in Toyota’s full hybrid model range. The company aims to offer all of its European models with a Hybrid Synergy Drive powertrain derivative as early as possible in the 2020s.

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